

We have the ability to capture new and exciting issues, people and events. This gives us a chance to promote businesses that want to grow and change with the times. We invite all new sponsors to take advantage of our global concierge desk. In addition, we also include our sponsors’ special events, wine tastings, art shows and any other soirées in our newsletter to new and existing clients, globally and locally. The climate of contemporary culture is changing, and it seems that nearly everything is taking on a new look and expanding right before our eyes. We recognize the advancing times, and we are adapting the newest technology to captivate readers. Society Media has a specific goal in mind. We will enable our readers to look at the big picture, without ignoring the fine print. Comprehensive and contemporary, SOCIETY MEDIA is for everyone all over the globe-because power, vitality and innovation are everywhere!

“SOCIETY MEDIA is mission driven covering vibrant cultures and trends throughout our region, and allover the globe. It enables readers to participate in the great public conversation that shapes lives and defines times. We will continue to advance at the speed of culture, fashion, business and philanthropy to maintain excellence in editorial and give readers, and advertisers, maximum satisfaction. SOCIETY MEDIA will look forward to readers, and sponsors, participating with the magazines and utilizing our in-house concierge service regarding advertised products/places, events, and design. Our goal is to move towards tailoring all magazine content to what our readers want to see and make a difference in the world.”

- Christian Shane Dougherty, Publisher + Curator